How to Create a Google Account with Any Email Address

Turn any email address into a Google account

Over the last 20 years or so, Google has launched more than 271 products, tools, platforms, and services—most of them totally free. But even though most of Google's products are totally free to use, there's one small catch: you must have a Google account in order to login and use them.

There are a number of ways to get yourself a Google account. The most common way is to setup a Gmail account, which by default also doubles as a Google account. If you want the functionality of Gmail but with a custom domain (, you can opt for Google Workspace or GSuite, which is a premium email service that costs around $6 per month per account.

Both Gmail and Workspace are great if you happen to need an email address, but what about those of us who want to use Google products, but don't want to add and manage yet another email address? Lucky for us, there's a way to turn any email address into a fully-fledged Google account that can be used to login to any Google product.

Turn your work email into a Google account for free

Step 1: From any Google property, locate and click on the avatar at the top right corner of the screen

Step 2: Click add another account 

Step 3: click create account then click for my personal use (if you click "for work or my business," you will be redirected to Workspace)

Step 4: Click use my current email address instead

Step 5: Fill out the personal information fields and click Next

 Step 6: Get the verification code that was sent to your email address, then enter it in the code field and click Next

That's it! Now you have a working Google account, but without having to setup and manage yet another inbox. 


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