5 Ways to Promote Your New Shopify Storefront Online

When you launch a new e-commerce website, one of the first tasks to accomplish is to promote it and find new customers. Often, website owners are stuck using the same old strategies that don’t yield the results they want. For the best results, incorporate new ideas and strategies into your marketing plan. Also look into one of the best digital marketing firms, BlueSwitch, to help. Here are five tips for promoting and marketing your new e-commerce site online in 2018.

Create a SlideShare Presentation

Now a part of LinkedIn, SlideShare is an effective way to share presentation slides with anyone who would be interested in the material. Create a SlideShare on a topic that neatly ties into your products or services, and that your target market would be interested in. For instance, if you are a website development company, your target market wants to know more about effective website design. Creating a SlideShare about website design best practices can help reach prospective clients. If you use a lead capture form, contact those leads as part of your sales process.


Embrace Mobile Marketing

People spend an excessive amount of time carrying and using their smartphones and tablets. This is why one of the most effective ways you can promote your new e-commerce website online in 2018 is to embrace mobile marketing. Start with ensuring your site is responsive so customers will have an easy time buying from your site on their mobile devices. Also, carefully consider any mobile marketing opportunities that come your way, including social media channels that users check from their phones. This might be the only way to reach some customers.

Consider an Affiliate Marketing Program

With an affiliate marketing program, you give someone permission to send customers your way for a small fee per sale. With brand new e-commerce websites, this is an effective strategy because you gain access to a more established brand’s existing customers. For instance, if a popular blogger agrees to participate in your affiliate marketing program, they will write a post or an email to their audience about your product or service.


Host a Giveaway

Everybody loves free stuff. Host a giveaway on your website or through social media. Make sure the prize is something people really want so they will share your offer with their circles. It can be an item your target market likes that you don’t sell or one of your own products or services. You can have people enter by giving up their email address, sharing the post on their own personal page, or by engaging with your content. This just depends on your goals for the campaign.

Tell Your Brand’s Story

People naturally feel more connected to brands that have a story. Find ways to tell your brand’s story concisely, and in a way that both educates and entertains prospects. Write a press release about the story and distribute it for your site’s launch. We also recommend researching some of the best digital marketing firms and have them promote your brand. Starting an e-commerce website in 2018 is an exciting and sometimes overwhelming endeavor. It can be difficult to know which marketing and promotional strategies to focus on. Use these five tips to get started. 


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