How to Get Better Data from Your Digital Marketing Campaigns

When it comes to your company’s marketing dollars, you want to make sure that you are seeing the best ROI for your marketing campaigns. For digital marketing campaigns, some companies find it difficult to figure out what kind of data they need to gather and analyze to determine how effectively their campaigns perform. Here are some ways that you can gather concrete data on your business’s digital marketing campaigns, including using digital marketing services to help with your efforts.

Unique Campaign Codes

The easiest way to gather information about which digital marketing campaigns work best is to use unique coupon codes for each channel and campaign. For instance, the next time you offer customers a 10% coupon, use a slightly different variation for each channel, with one for the Facebook version and one for your email subscriber list. This makes it easy to see what campaigns and channels led to sales.

Google Analytics

If you have a website, you may already be familiar with Google Analytics. After putting a shortcode into the backend of your website, you can log into the dashboard to see a wide range of stats. To see how well your digital marketing campaigns translate into new traffic to your website, you can look specifically at traffic sources to discover what leads visitors directly to your site. For instance, if all of your traffic comes from social media, you might be wasting time on ineffective email marketing campaigns that just aren’t working.

Social Media Tools

Most social media sites offer a range of ways to measure your marketing campaign’s success. You can look at how many people liked your post, commented on it, or shared it. Also, you can set up your campaigns to measure conversions instead of just general engagement. This way, the data you see is more reflective of the campaign’s performance. If you don't want to work on your own social media, look into digital marketing services to manage it for you. 

Email Platform

Nearly all email marketing platforms offer some data on how the campaign performed. This information includes how many people unsubscribed from your list after your campaign, how many people opened it, and how many people clicked the links on your email to go to the website page or product you wanted them to visit. While this information might seem basic, it can serve as an effective tool to measure your email marketing campaign’s performance.

Ask New Customers

Sometimes, the best way to know how you’re doing and what’s working is to ask your customers directly. When a new customer makes a purchase, you can ask them how they heard about your company directly on the order form. Otherwise, you can reach out to them when you follow-up after they’ve received their first purchase.

This reduces the question of what worked and what didn’t. Your best website visitors make purchases, so it’s a good step to see why your customers ultimately bought from you. Gathering data is an important part of understanding the performance of your company’s digital marketing campaigns. Without this information, you’ll waste money on campaigns with low ROI. With this data, you can create better campaigns that yield better results.


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