
Replatforming 2 sites onto Shopify Plus.

A lifestyle brand that embraces every part of our perfectly imperfect selves, focusing on fitness, wellness, and yoga equipment.


Shopify Development

Shopify Integrations

The Project

Gaiam and SPRI had many issues when they came to BlueSwitch to redevelop their sites. Their design was stagnant and they were stuck on an outdated platform. Simple tasks such as creating 1 report for both sites took an extraordinary amount of time. Tasks such as drop shipments were difficult to manage due to the outdated platform they were currently using. Hosting costs were high due to all the custom integrations they had to set up and bandaids for important features were all over both sites. Customer service was fed up with all the unnecessary work they were doing and needed a change.

The Challenges

  • Replatforming from an outdated platform

  • Creating one backend for two individual stores 

  • Make drop shipments more manageable

Our Solution

The first step was choosing a platform where you can create 2 sites under 1 umbrella- Shopify Plus. Next was design. The BlueSwitch design team worked closely with the SPRI and Gaiam teams to design two websites that really spoke to their customer base. Additionally, customizations were made to make shopping easier for the user since their product line is so diverse. Once the design was set, development began and soon both sites came to life. They used multi-store inventory management software to help with overall website development. Blueswitch was also contracted to connect both Shopify stores into one backend for easy management. Using proprietary software, Gaiam was able to create one simple warehouse integration for both sites. A custom-designed order review system was also created, so Gaiam could manage drop shipments and even combat fraud. All these factors combined, along with two brand new beautiful sites, started a great relationship between Gaiam and BlueSwitch.




Panasonic Kitchen