Get to the Top of Instagram


Ever wonder how brands and influencers appear at the top of Instagram’s hashtag and explorer page? Engagement. That’s right. According to Instagram’s ever-changing algorithm, you need to put in the work if you want to get seen.

Let’s break down how to combat IG’s latest update:

Step 1: Know Your Audience

Instagram puts content on the Explore page that they think people will be most likely to interact with based on your behavior.  Meaning, the pages and posts that you are liking, commenting, sharing, etc. are utilized to curate the content you see on the Explore page.
Instagram knows on a very deep level what content you want to see. Use this to your brand’s advantage!  

Ask yourself:
Who is your target audience?
What kind of things interest them?
Who do they follow?
What do they post?

Post accordingly.

Step 2: Use RELEVANT Hashtags

Brands with at least one hashtag have up to 12.6% more engagement than those without. To start, check out what hashtags your competitors and influential people within your industry are using. The best hashtags are the ones that speak your customers’ language. Find what they are and start hashtagging!

Step 3: Geotag Locations

Geographical tags in your Instagram posts are a powerful tool. When tagging locations like specific neighborhoods, you can reach local, regional, and national audiences. When combined with the right hashtags, you can reach a niche audience that is most interested in your brand.


To increase the chances of your content being discovered throughout the Instagram Explore tab and at the top of the hashtag page, you need to engage and interact with the people using the same hashtags. The days of needing thousands of followers to be seen are over. Even major brands need to engage with their audience to be at the top. Invest time reaching out to users. The more you engage and show interest in your online community, the more likely they are to interact with, and buy from, your brand.


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