Easy Ways to Personalize Customer Experience on Your eCommerce Site

When you focus more on your customers’ specific and individual needs, you can begin to personalize their ecommerce user experience. And per Econsultancy’s research, 94% of companies see “higher engagement and conversion rates” as benefits of a commitment to customer experience.

The below guidelines will help you create a more personalized online shopping experience for your customers, which will ultimately increase conversions and sales. If you want expert help, BlueSwitch is here! We're one of the top digital marketing agencies in the USA and we'll ensure that your ecommerce website reaches its full potential.

Relevant and Easy-to-Navigate Inventory

The ecommerce user experience is instantly enhanced if you have inventory that is relevant to your audience and an intuitive website. Let your customers shop for what they want, how they want, when they want. If your customers can easily navigate through the inventory that is relevant to them while having fun, they will ultimately add more items to their carts.

  • Add a “New Arrivals” category, especially if it’s relevant to what your visitor already likes.

  • Include a “Recently Viewed” tab for returning visitors. This is a great way to remind them what they already liked in the past and prevents them from having to start their search through your inventory all over again.

  • Insert drop down menus so customers can click on what they care about and leave out what they don’t.

  • Apply filters to product categories for products that come in different shapes and sizes (color, size, storage capacity, dimensions, etc.).

  • Permit your customers to virtually try on items with a virtual fitting room.

  • Let your customers live-demo your online products and solutions, or offer free trials, before they buy. This offers them a personal experience with your product or service.

  • Create an “Ask My Friends” button so they can see what their social networks are saying about a product.

Seamless, Secure, and Speedy Checkout Options

Once your customers have added items to their carts, don’t lose finalized transactions by making their ecommerce user experience frustrating and lengthy. If you let your customers pay how they want, securely and efficiently, you will end up with higher sales.

  • Have a one-click purchase option for returning users who have stored their payment information.

  • Offer multiple payment options so customers can select the best option for them.

  • Allow customers to check out as “guests” so they won’t have to register and go through the process of creating a username and password.

  • Optimize the speed and performance of your site so that personalized carts can be saved and aren’t abandoned.

  • Demonstrate the security of your site by requesting stronger personal passwords, using robust SSL authentication, and tracking all individual customer orders.

Tailor Offerings with Customer Data

One of the best ways to personalize your customers’ online shopping experiences is to know what they like now, as well as what they may like in the future. Use current customers’ data to focus in on what they want when you extend offers to them.

  • Recommend products based on customers’ previous purchases and items they have viewed on your site.

  • Use geo-location to offer products or discounts based on each customer’s physical location.

  • Map and record each individual customer’s journey and behavior with analytics. Be consistent in your messaging to your customers across all channels (websites, social media, in-store, email messages, etc.).

Real-Time Customer-Centered Support

Despite how empowered they may feel at times, customers still need occasional help navigating through certain processes and platforms. Luckily, there are ways you can help them with what is specifically important to them to improve the user experience: when they tell you they need it.

  • Use live chat so customers can ask you questions the moment they have them.

  • Don’t neglect their experiences on mobile devices. If customers are on their mobile devices, send them text messages with relevant information and responses to their concerns.

  • Host chat forums where customers can help one another choose products and discuss how to use them.

By following the tips relevant to your business in this short guide, you will be able to provide a personalized experience for your customers. Additionally, when your customers receive more tailored ecommerce experiences, their engagement with your brand and products will increase, along with your conversion rates.


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