How to Use Social Media Promote New Products and Posts

You put a lot of time and resources into your company’s product pages and blog posts. However, if you don’t properly promote these pages, your customers won’t see the new information you post, and you won’t see the best results from creating new marketing content. Here are some steps you can take to effectively promote each and every new product and blog post you create, including social media management and website features.


Send an Email to Your Subscriber List

The easiest and fastest way to promote new content on your business’s website is to send a short email to your subscriber list to let them know about it. The email can be as simple as writing “check out this new post I think you’d be interested in” with a link that leads the content itself. If you update your blog every day, you might want to be more selective in sending out these emails, so your email subscribers don’t feel you’ve sent them too many.

Schedule a Short Series of Social Media Posts

After you complete a blog post or a product page, make it a part of the process to write a few social media posts promoting the content on all of the social media networks your business uses. You can create one post to share on a few websites or a new post for each website. Schedule out the posts to go out over the course of a few days so your followers can easily find the content. For help with social media management, reach out to BlueSwitch!


Answer Some Forum Posts

If there’s a forum specific to your industry, it can be helpful to post your link there as a way to promote it. For instance, if you write a blog post about ways to clear out your sink drain, you could create a forum about it. On Quora, for example, someone might ask about the ways to clear out sink drains. You could respond and include a link to your post.

Feature it on Your Website’s Homepage

New content can have a short shelf life, especially if you create new content often. For the time between publishing this post and the next one, consider featuring it on your homepage. This makes it easy for visitors to your site to know where to look for new content.


Put out a Press Release

Press releases can be a helpful tool for getting the word out about big changes in your organization, such as company acquisitions and new C suite hires, along with small updates on your website, such as new product launches and blog posts. Many companies overlook this tool for promoting new content. However, it all comes down to how you do it.

If your company is a financial advisory firm, and a director-level staff member writes a blog post about the state of the market, you could put out a press release titled: “Director at Finance Firm Makes Market Predictions for Summer of 2018.” When you properly promote your content, you get better results from the work you’ve already put in. Nobody wants to waste their time or effort on creating or buying content that doesn’t get results. By using these strategies, you can encourage exposure and engagement for all your content.


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